Dealing with Resignations

Dealing with Resignations

The “Great Resignation”, or “The Big Quit” is a phenomenon which started in the USA and has recently found traction in South Africa.

A growing number of people are quitting their jobs as the Covid-19 pandemic winds down.

This is due to a variety of reasons but the most commonly stated is ‘toxic workplace culture’, with compensation and  limited growth opportunity proving to be more moderate predictors of attrition. Examples of a toxic work environment have included:-  Lack of respect from the company and/or colleagues, not feeling safe at work during the pandemic, pandemic induced difficulties and lack of a healthy work-life balance. 

In this webinar, Angus will look at how to handle resignations effectively, in a manner that you as the employer can gain an understanding of the reasons why the employee is resigning and identify and deal with any internal issues that may lead to further resignations for the same reasons as well as ticking all the legal aspects of the resignation.

Labour Law expert, Angus Bailie, put together this highly informative webinars to assist you in addressing these important workplace issues.

Angus will answer questions such as:

  • What about Notice and Notice pay?
  • How do I accept a resignation?
  • Must the resignation be in writing?
  • When can a resignation be withdrawn?
  • What about claims of constructive dismissal?


We love doing webinars with Angus. He has a wealth of knowledge that he generously shares this with attendees. This coupled with his dry sense of humour make Angus’s webinars both highly valuable, informative and entertaining. Angus is an admitted attorney with over 20 years’ experience, 13 of which have been in his own law firm. Angus’s experience includes being appointed as an Acting Judge in the Labour Court in 2017. He has lectured part-time for the faculties of Law and Science at Pearson Institute and the faculty of Law for the University of the Free State and is a SETA accredited facilitator and trainer.


Wednesday 28 September @ 09h00 - 10h30

COST: R625 per person

PLEASE NOTE: We will be in touch with you to arrange payment and send you the relevant info for these webinars.

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