Managing Poor Work Performance – Schools Edition

Is your school running optimally?

Do you have employees struggling to meet deadlines or complete tasks effectively?

Poor work performance is often dealt with incorrectly or not at all and when it is dealt with it is misdiagnosed as misconduct. This could have dire consequences and following the incorrect process could land you in trouble at the CCMA or worse lead to an unhappy, unmotivated and struggling workforce.

Angus will give you clarity on your rights and responsibilities as an employer and answer questions like: 

  1. What are the causes of poor work performance?
  2. When is it poor work performance and when is it negligence?
  3. At what point can I dismiss the employee who is not able to perform their duties?
  4. What process must I follow? Will it be deemed fair?


We love doing webinars with Angus. He has a wealth of knowledge that he generously shares this with attendees. This coupled with his dry sense of humour make Angus’ webinars both highly valuable, informative and entertaining.

Angus is an admitted attorney with over 20 years’ experience, 10 of which have been in his own law firm. Angus’ experience includes being appointed as an Acting Judge in the Labour Court in 2017. He has lectured part-time and is a SETA accredited facilitator and trainer.


Managing Poor Work Performance
Schools Edition

3 June @ 14h30 - 16h30

PLEASE NOTE: Once we have received your registration, we will be in contact with you to arrange payment and provide you with the necessary info in order to attend Angus’ webinar. We look forward to seeing you there.

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