Oh it's you, nice of you to stop by!

We believe that the INNOVATION point is the pivotal moment when talented and motivated people seek the opportunity to ADVANCE on their ideas and dreams!

 Although we are experienced professionals who are passionate about what we do, we do not like to take things too seriously.

At INNOVATION ADVANCE, we believe in a fun and adventurous approach. We think it’s hugely important to sit down with you over a cup of coffee and muffins (preferably those huge, big ones from Mugg & Bean) or online if you prefer, and refuse to leave until we have devised a recruitment solution that will leave you feeling like you’ve had a really constructive therapy session. Think of us as a Recruitment DR Phil.

But before we go any further, consider if any of the following circumstances are relevant to you right now?

Situation 1 - The Lotto Winner

Your top sales guru has just won the Lotto, marched into your office and stated emphatically that he "never needs to set foot in this place ever again"! You now need an equally good, or even better guru who does not play the Lotto, to come on board and stay until you find that ever evasive job in the Cayman Islands. Click below for help or if you're feeling the need to crack that bottle of whiskey in your bottom desk draw, visit www.help@aa.com 

Situation 2 - The Deserting Director

The Technical Sales Director has just accepted a position testing beds for luxury resorts in the Cayman Islands (bugger!) and you need a top level executive on board as soon as possible.  We will drop everything, adorn our hunting gear and track one down immediately. You ring and we'll do our thing!

Situation 3 - Wanted: Barbie Dress Designer

The Board has just decided that the Company needs to employ a Barbie dress designer and you are not to sure what exactly that job will entail. We will assess the situation along with you and come up with an exact description to avoid over expenditure on shiny pink fabric. How can we help you?

Situation 4 - Mr Moneypants Returns. But,Only in 6 Months

Your top sales guru realized that he has to pay 50% tax on his Lotto winnings and wants to come back in 6 months time. Now you need an equally competent guru, who will solemnly promise not to play the Lotto for at least 6 months, to assist until "Mr Moneypants" gets back. Click here and solve the problem!

Situation 5 - The Deceptionist Receptionist

Your Receptionist is more of a deceptionist or your Line Manager is asking interview questions like "So, how many children do you have?"  We'll be there in a flash and slap them into shape. (No not really, we're actually quite nice!). Give us a call, it's time to chat.

Situation 6 - It's personal!

You found an ad for that perfect job in the Cayman Islands and you've been "Googling" putting together a top notch CV. You now have a pounding headache due to information overload and are more confused than ever!  That 10 year old CV done on WordPerfect version 0.001 is not going to impress!  Take an aspirin, give us a call and we'll brainstorm, cut, paste and polish until your CV jumps up shouting "PICK ME!"   Speak to us now

Background Screening

Some really strange interview questions that have come up!

  • Big Mac or Steers?
  • So, do you think Elvis is really dead?
  • What’s the deal with ‘I before E’?
  • How many times have you been naked in public? Elaborate.

A Job ad that's a skills assessment at the same time.

“A FIn aL AVV Won mOh beFAW AH gO OMe”
If you are an experienced Bartender and can decipher this babble, we’d like to hear from you. (Those lacking a sense of humour need not apply.)

Managing Bad Debt

  • Course Length: 1 Hour & 30 Minutes
  • Cost R475 per person
  • Certificate on completion of course & quiz
  • Access training any time and from anywhere, making it easier to fit into your busy schedule.