Make Friends with Monday
The song goes, “Tell me why I don’t like Mondays” and it seems to be a question relevant to most of us. How often do we hear people complaining about Mondays? If Monday was a person, it would likely need therapy.
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Wayne Dyer
This quote reminds us that our beliefs and how we are influenced by society affects how we feel. If we start the week off in a bad mood or with a sense of dread because nobody likes Mondays, chances are that we will have more difficulty dealing with what Monday mercilessly throws at us.
So, let’s give Monday a hug and start the week on a positive note. After all, Monday is going to come whether we are looking forward to it or not.
Here are a few tips that will help you make friends with Monday:
Plan for Monday
Take a bit of time during your weekend and clarify what your goals are for the week? Write them down and keep them in a place that is visible to you daily … like in your face so that there is no possible way that you can forget what they are. If you find yourself pretending that they are not there or finding 101 reasons why you can’t possibly reach these goals, remind yourself why these goals are important and who else will be affected should you not meet them.
Have a good Sunday Night Routine
It’s a really good idea to avoid a Monday morning where little Rory tells you at 6:43am that he was supposed to have completed his essay on ‘the pros and cons of farming on a pinhead’ and 4-year-old Lucy is trying to convince you that her teacher said it is perfectly fine for her to wear your red high-heel shoes to pre-school. Simply put, get organised.
- Do as many of your Monday morning duties as you can on Sunday.
- Sort out who needs to wear what
- Ask the kids at least 50 times if they have everything they need for school on Monday
- Get your significant other to make the lunches
- Go soak in a luxurious bubble bath with a glass of wine.
Remind yourself of the things you have to look forward to
Before you do this, remember to do your morning gratitude exercise. Then think of things that are coming up over the next week that you are looking forward to and imagine yourself in that moment. How is it going to feel? Now if at this point you are saying something like “I can’t think of one single thing coming up this week that I can get excited about”, it’s time take urgent action. Take the first steps towards that community initiative you’ve been thinking about starting, start that online course you have been wanting to do, book a weekend away, you get the idea. Just take one small step towards something that get’s you all warm and fuzzy inside. Stop reading this blog and go and create something to be excited about.
Lastly but very importantly Take care of YOU!
As ambitious and motivated as we may be, we all need to have rest and a bit of ‘me time’. If you are one of those people who forgets about you over a busy week, then make self-care one of your weekly goals! You deserve to have time to rest or to participate in activities that replenish your energy and enthusiasm for life. Both your physical and mental health are vital to you and those around you, so don’t neglect yourself!